Its a wonderful life

A place for my random musings!

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

My first lakh from the stock market

Yes! read it right!...I finally achieved first lakh scalped off the stock market...the past few months have been good to me and in effect, I guess I now have probably totally wiped out all the losses I managed to make over the past few years...well as they say...what goes around comes around..

Probably two of the most rudimentary and prominent characters of man is greed and fear. And this is what often leads to our failures..

In the beginning, leveraging and overleveraging myself over and over...never learning from mistakes...I managed to let my losses grow and grow and never during this time did it dawn upon me that I was not doing things right...I guess its the gambling gene that we have in us...

Then I decided one fine day...Thats it! enough is enough...enough of greed...
Any scheme that promises quick gains and instant riches is nothing but a dream. These kind of schemes and scams come over and over and still people jump into it...I just had a fight recently with a friend on something like this...we need to let go of our greed...thats the only way to be successful in what we do...

Its probably been 5 months since I have moved into cash investing...and it is safe..its beautiful...its a great way to make money...its theonly way we can stay ahead of the game....

Having said that, even though I am slightly ahead now, no idea when this will turn around again...!


  • At 7:58 PM, Blogger Geo said…

    I too love (?) leveraging. So keep talking about leveraging. ;)

  • At 8:54 PM, Blogger Lee said…

    ngae...can u please elaborate????

  • At 9:36 AM, Blogger Rat said…

    leveraging on leveraging is the new hot thing around! I too love (??) it


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